About Salihara

Salihara Arts Center presents a diverse line-up of the latest art from Indonesia and around the world, from performing art to educational programs, ensconced within a cool and creative environment amongst the bustle of South Jakarta. Salihara is open to anyone wishing to develop their skills and creativity by exploring art and ideas, respecting diversity. We hope to enrich the ways through which we exercise our freedom of speech in Indonesia.


Salihara’s Main Programs

Salihara International Performing-arts Festival (SIPFest)
A two-yearly international performing arts festival that brings important groups and hottest names in the performing art world. You might even catch world premieres of works by notable artists at the festival as well.

Literature and Ideas Festival (LIFEs)
A two-yearly festival of literature and ideas that invites you to interact with writers from Indonesia and abroad. Each festival edition is designed around a theme that is both interesting and relevant, to expand perspectives on particular discourses or issues, and to broaden intellectual horizons.

Performing Arts
A theater festival presenting selected groups from across Indonesia. Groups are selected through an Open Call.

A dance festival presenting the latest works by choreographers and dancers from across Indonesia. Dancers and groups are selected through an Open Call.

Salihara Jazz Buzz
A jazz concert presenting new, exploratory, intelligent and fresh colors from both senior and younger musicians. Newness is key to Jazz Buzz, which encourages collaborations between musicians who don’t normally cross paths instrumentally or musically.

Coaching (class or workshop format) in [the art of] writing, acting, dancing, philosophy, etc., aimed at the younger generations, and led by mentors competent in their related fields.

Discussions, lectures, talk shows on and around art, knowledge, social sciences, history, etc, exploring relevant topics from diverse viewpoints.

Visual Art
Local- and international-scale contemporary art exhibitions showcasing interdisciplinary collaborations, archival spotlights, as well as historical explorations of art and culture.

Curatorial System

Events and programs at Salihara Arts Center have been carefully selected by curators with decades of art experience. Salihara Arts Center curators select and organize art events that offer freshness or newness in forms or ideas. Art does not always have to be “contemporary” or “avant-garde”; rich experimentations can also occur among diverse forms of art, including those that are often considered (or labeled) as “traditional” or “popular”.


Profile and History

Salihara Arts Center started out as Komunitas Utan Kayu (KUK), a cultural pocket located at Jalan Utan Kayu 68H, East Jakarta. KUK was founded by litterateurs, intellectuals, artists, journalists, and a number of Tempo staff members, a year following the magazine’s banning by the authoritarian New Order regime in 1994. KUK championed the freedoms of thought and expression, which were severely curtailed during that period.

The New Order regime fell in 1998. KUK maintained its activities, continued to nurture and disseminate artistic and intellectual wealth through art performances, exhibitions, lectures, and discussions on a variety of themes and topics. Finally, on 8 August 2008, a group of KUK administrators ‘moved’ to Jalan Salihara 16, Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, which led to the establishment of Salihara Arts Center.

Our Vision

  • To nurture a level of quality to the exercise of our freedoms of thought and expression
  • To provide a space for the diversity and wealth of artistic and intellectual expressions.

Our Mission

  • To introduce a wide variety of art programs and thought-related activities
  • To raise the quality of art appreciation among the public, and enrich our cultural heritage
  • To bridge and connect the general audience to new forms of art, and to expand the audience’s circles to embrace new insights and horizons
  • To bolster/strengthen the ever-growing world of art
  • To introduce quality art from Indonesia and beyond, to those living in Jakarta, especially the younger generations
  • To introduce Jakarta as a city rich with sources of art and knowledge
  • To provide creatives with opportunities for learning, either locally or internationally.

Salihara Board of Director

Elviwati Budihartono
Goenawan Mohamad
Nirwan Dewanto

Board Secretary

Veronique Rompas


Asikin Hasan
Ayu Utami
Hendromasto Prasetyo
Nirwan Dewanto
Tony Prabowo
Zen Hae


Ening Nurjanah
Gayatri Mega
Halida Bunga Fisandra
Ibrahim Soetomo
Karen Clahilda
Puella Maria Lourdes


Cliff Moller
Ezra Reyhan
Novita Puspa
Riezca B. Radaini




Adinda Hapsari
Ari Prameswari

Venue Rent

Penyewaan Venue
Clara Roberta
Dhanurendra Pandji
Dita Artri
Hardi Novian


Dwinita Puspitasari

Documentation & Digital Production

La Bomba Rifai
Lintang Madani
Ulum Zulvaton
Vinkan Larasati
Widhi Cahya


Annida Alya Humaida
Rizqya Nur Fitriyani

General Affairs

Abdul Wakhid
Aris Setiawan
Indra B Wibowo
Muhammad Syaiful

Performance Technical Team

Adi Apriadi
Aresha Agung Wibisono
Choki Sapta Wanusi
Rebeca Dwi Palupi
Surya Bantrang Jenar


Teater Salihara (Salihara Black Box) is the first blackbox theater in Indonesia. The artistic configurations of red bricks that form the walls of this theater are designed to effectively absorb sound to achieve good soundproofing and acoustics. This 252-capacity theater has a dressing room, and is well-furnished with modern stage, sound and lighting equipment.
Architect: Adi Purnomo

Galeri Salihara is oval-shaped to optimize the space for art exhibitions and provide even lighting and ventilation. Outwardly, the oval shape also gives a roomy and spacious feel.
Architect: Marco Kusumawijaya

The four-story Salihara Office building has a free and floaty feel to it. It is enclosed from the outside to insulate it from both road noise and western sun’s glare. It is open on its north- and south-facing sides to reduce the need for air conditioning and artificial lighting during the day.
Architect: Isandra Matin Ahmad

Anjung Salihara is a three-story multifunctional building that houses a music studio, dance studio, a multi-purpose room, a library, and lodgings. Standing on a triangular piece of land, it is designed to be suitable for the tropical climate. The spaces inside the building have rounded corners, so they fit with the overall Salihara environment. The Jakarta skyline can be clearly observable from Teater Salihara on the topmost floor.
Architect: Danny Wicaksono

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