Komunitas Salihara organizes a festival of literature and ideas: LIFEs—the new name and format of the original Salihara Literature Biennale. Past LIFEs editions have showcased literature from Latin America through Viva! Reborn! (2017), discussed Indonesian-Dutch connections in My Story, Share History (2019), and put a spotlight on Arab Asyiq in 2021. This year, LIFEs returns with Francophone as its overarching theme, and mon Amour! as its title. While the main program events are scheduled to be held from 5 to 13 August, LIFEs kicks off with several preliminary events starting March 2023, beginning with a series of classes in philosophy, “French Philosophers Interpreting Platon”.
The theme chosen for LIFEs 2023, Francophone, borrows the term that refers to French-speaking countries or regions. This festival will explore literary works and ideas from francophone countries, and look at how these works influence literature and ideas in Indonesia. LIFEs 2023 promises an exciting line-up of speakers, and panelists for discussions and seminars, where they will talk about the influence of francophone literature on Indonesia. LIFEs 2023 also endeavors to expand upon its literary festival format and character by providing the audience with artistic experiences through performing- and performance art formats.
See you at LIFEs mon Amour!
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